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Identity In War

Writer's picture: Sherri DownsSherri Downs

The enemy is the accuser of the brethren and he is working to accuse you before God day and night (Revelation 12:9-11). My friends do not take the bait. God loves and likes you. You need to understand and know your identity in this hour to stand in it to resist the wiles, tricks and tactics of the enemy. God the father consistently speaks identity over his children. We see a picture of this consistently with the chosen nation of Israel. You are my people and I am your God (Exodus 6:7) he would remind them over and over and over again. Our heavenly father who created and fashioned each person in his image has plans concerning you and it is his desire that each created being fulfill the purpose in which they were called into the earth. My friends with the dictation of culture and societal norms God wants His people everywhere to be who and what he's created them to be. After God created "man" on the 6th day he declared that man was good (Genesis 1:31). The man was pleasant to look upon and the man was delightful in the eyes of his creator. My friends, there are so many voices in the earth today that try to confuse you as to who you are and what you were designed to do and be on the earth we call home. We are sons and daughters of the most high God.

The accuser of the brethren is before God day and night telling God that our hearts are not towards him and that we have wrong motives toward God; just like him. Isaiah 14:13 For you have said in your heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north.

The accuser wants to sway God's heart away from the creation that he so loves. When the enemy placed the sin that God hates inside the creation that God loved. The expectation of the enemy was that God would destroy adam and Eve but God had a plan of redemption already in place for the creation that he loved and that plan was the finished work of Jesus on the cross. God so loved the world that he sent his only son into the world to save it (John 3:16).

My friend, what does God the father say about you? It matters. Whats is God heralding from heaven what is he planning on blessing you with that will change the course of the lives of other people? We are in a spiritual battle that manifests itself in the earth. It is vital that we choose a side. You are either on the winning side or the defeated side. The enemy is a defeated foe because he's already been defeated as the seed of the woman shall crush the head of the serpent. My question to you is this; are you on the winning side?

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Nov 11, 2020

PowerfulTruth's, Thank You I was So Blessed, When I Read OutLoud Dark Times & Pull Up The Covers, It is Soaking in my Spirit Praise the Lord

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