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Writer's pictureSherri Downs

Conquer a victim mentality today! You are the winner!

Conquer a victim mentality today! You are the winner!

In an open vision I heard the lord’s decree.

I heard a loud long whistle blowing. It was more like the sound of a boxing ring bell, but the sound was elongated as to ensure I heard it and heard it I did. I believe this was to get my attention to what the announcer (the Lord was about to say) was about to say next. Then it came into my visual perception, I saw it, a boxing ring, it was dark all around with blaring lights peering down at two people inside the ring, one next to the referee with arms lifted in the arm with a posture of victory. Their opponent who obviously was standing in defeat at the lost match. I leaned into this moment, and I heard the announcer say, "you are the winner". I saw the referee standing there with the winner’s arms lifted in the air, as he jumped up and down.

When I left the scene, I began to pray and ask the Lord, "what did I see". He simply said, "many have faced the biggest fighting match of their lives, and the battles they faced with the enemy were training ground for where they are going next, they had to develop the stamina to go the distance for their destiny. The match has been won and you are declared the winner. Many have felt tired and wanted to give up. They have become so accustomed to fight mode; they have forgotten how to have joy in their salvation. The rounds have been intense, and these valiant victorious sons and daughters are being cheered by the heavenly cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1). Many of my warriors have fought the match of their lives. They are determined to dismantle darkness and demolish the devils’ demonic strongholds in their personal lives, ministries, finances, marriages, and territories. My faith filled ones have been consistently moving in power faith and I am please. Even when they wanted to hang their head in defeat, yet the faith I placed in them kept them in the fight declaring, “he who has begun a good work in me shall complete it (Philippians 1:6)”. These ones are still swinging, but I the Lord say with a loud voice of victory! It’s over and you are declared the winner".

I was elated at this vision! How often are we in battles and the bell rings, however that's just one round and we are ready to give up because of exhaustion. There are more rounds to the one fight we are in? At times in the fight, you get tired, and drained as we face round after round of relentless battles and training for the next fight. Even as I share this experience, I sense our Lord is celebrating you right now and the victory you partnered with for the kingdom of God. You saw what was in the Lord’s heart and you prayed it through. From heaven to earth, your intercession was purposeful and powerful. The Lord is decreeing and holding up your arms as you are the victorious one! 2 Corinthians 2:14; AMP "But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumph [as trophies of Christ’s victory] and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere". You will be rewarded as heaven is preparing a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Get ready for your lavish victory party. Some rewards will be in heaven, but the Lord is going to pour out on your earthly blessings. Be encouraged my friend in the powerful pursuit of your God ordained purpose.

Sherri S. Downs is a certified life, business, and relationship coach with WCI (World Coach Institute). A member of AWSA (Advance Writers and Speakers Association), and a podcast host. Sherri is an author, and among the books she's written are Keys to praying Power and Righteous Relationship Reset. Sherri is equipped to mentor, mobilize, and motivate others to change their perspective and ignite their life.

2 Episodes: Thursday December 9, Conquer a victim mindset and become victorious everyday Parts 1 & 2



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